Interested in hosting your own Strongman Corporation competition?
You’re in the right place!
Strongman Corporation offers 3 levels of competition that are run by local promoters (i.e. not by Strongman Corporation HQ): Local Amateur Competitions, Regionals, and Pro/Ams.
Local Amateur Competitions are the most common. These happen in gyms, parking lots, breweries, and all kinds of locations around the country. There are no qualifications required for athletes to compete, and most Local Amateur Competitions offer Novice and Open classes (as well as Teen and Masters depending on the event). Athletes may use Local Amateur Competitions to qualify for Nationals. As a promoter, and as an athlete, this is the place to start!
Regionals are the next step above Local Competition, and qualify athletes for Nationals and the Arnold. Regionals do not require athletes to qualify (i.e. anyone can sign up). They sometimes have Novice classes, but not always. Only promoters with prior experience and a track record of large, successful shows are licensed to run Regional competitions.
Pro/Am Competitions have a combination of Amateur and Pro classes. In the designated Pro/Am classes, pros and amateurs compete together, athletes may qualify for Nationals and the Arnold, *and* Amateurs have the ability to earn a Pro Card. In the standard (i.e. non Pro/Am) classes, qualifications follow the same standards as a Local Amateur Competition. There are no qualifications required for athletes at a Pro/Am. Some Pro/Ams have Novice and Masters classes, and some don’t. Only promoters with prior experience and a track record of large, successful shows are licensed to run Pro/Am Competitions.
Details for each level of competition are below, including standards and requirements and a step-by-step process for licensing. Start by selecting the level of competition you’d like to host, then just follow the steps. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out to Katie Feeley, Strongman Corporation’s Director of Amateur Promotions, by email:
Local Amateur Competition
Standards and Requirements (Local)
Requirements for Promoting a Local Amateur Competition
- Before promoting a competition, it is *strongly* recommended that a promoter have experience both competing and volunteering at other competitions. A strong knowledge and understanding of competition from both the athlete and organizer perspective goes a long way in running a smooth show.
- The promoter should thoroughly review Strongman Corporation’s Athlete Info to have a full understanding of the organization’s standards for weight classes, weigh-ins, qualifications, etc.
- All promoters must undergo a basic background check, which is completed online and paid for by Strongman Corporation.
- Local competitions are required to have a Strongman Corporation State Representative present, or a waiver must be obtained from Strongman Corporation HQ.
- Details about this process are in the Step-by-Step instructions below.
- Weight classes (for all divisions) must be in kilograms following Strongman Corporation standards:
- Women: 57kg, 64kg, 73kg, 82kg, HW
- Men: 80kg, 90kg, 105kg, 120kg, HW
- Novice and Masters classes may also be offered at the promoter’s discretion. There are no mandatory requirements for which or how many weight classes need to be offered.
- Weights and event rules/descriptions should be reviewed with a State Representative before the competition.
- If shirts are provided to the athletes, they should be worn for all the events (except events with tacky) and must have the Strongman Corporation logo on them.
Step-By-Step Licensing (Local)
This is the most common type of strongman competition. It’s the entry level for both athletes and promoters. If you’re new to promoting or new to Strongman Corporation, this is the place to start!
Steps to license an Amateur Competition with Strongman Corporation:
- Read the details on requirements for Local Amateur competitions, which can be found here: Strongman Corporation Licensing Regulations
- Choose a competition name and a preferred date and location.
- Pick events for the competition. (You don’t need weights yet.)
- If the location is not at your own facility, reach out to the facility to confirm that the date you want is available. It’s also smart to get 1-2 backup dates.
- Confirm State Representative availability or your eligibility for a State Representative waiver. This step will depend on your level of experience.
- First-Time Promoters: If you’ve never promoted a Strongman Corporation competition before, email your local State Representative and CC on the email. Confirm that the Rep will be available on your desired date, or choose a new date together. The State Representative will need to be present on competition day starting at registration time. (See Promoter Handbook – COMING SOON! – for details on State Representative pay and other considerations.)
- Limited Experience or Remote Location: If you have promoted at least one successful Strongman Corporation competition or your competition is located farther than a 3-hour drive from the nearest State Representative, Strongman Corporation may waive the requirement to have a State Representative present. In order to waive this requirement, send the following to the Director of Amateur Promotions ( for review: proposed contest name, date, and location; proposed events; list of past competitions you’ve promoted (can link to Iron Podium or other pages if relevant); distance from nearest State Representative (if applicable); and a paragraph detailing your experience in strongman and promoting competitions. Katie will reach out to chat and review your request. Please allow 7 business days for review.
- Advanced Experience: If you have promoted a competition without a State Representative in the past, you may apply to waive the State Representative requirement again. Note: just because you’ve done it before doesn’t mean you can do it again. You will need to receive a waiver for each competition. Email the Director of Amateur Promotions ( with your proposed competition name, date, and location; and the name, date, and location of the last competition you promoted. Katie will respond within 7 business days to confirm your waiver or schedule a time to discuss further.
- State Representatives: If you’re a State Representative, you do not need prior approval to license a competition.
- If needed, loop back around to the location contact to confirm the date.
- Purchase a license from the Strongman Corporation website (see below).
- This involves filling out a form that will ask for the competition date and location, your events, and who the State Representative will be (or confirmation of your waiver). Make sure you have that info ready to go. You don’t need to have weights finalized yet.
- Complete a background check. All first-time promoters will need to complete a background check. Strongman Corporation uses Checkr for this process.
- When you submit the form and payment for your event license, Strongman Corporation will submit your first name, state, and email address to Checkr. You will receive an email from Checkr to complete the background check.
- Strongman Corporation will be able to see the results of the background check but not any personal info (like your SSN).
- The background check MUST be completed before your event will be posted on the Strongman Corporation website. Failure to complete the check will result in a loss of licensing for your competition.
- Optional: Purchase additional insurance.
- This is recommended particularly if your competition is not at your own facility. You’ll likely want to list the landlord of the event location on the insurance form as the “additional insured”. You might need to reach out to the location contact to confirm who should be listed on the insurance form.
- Put your event online in DRAFT mode.
- You can do this anywhere you’d like, including Iron Podium, Eventbrite, your own website, or another site of your choosing.
- Make sure the event page lists the date, time, location, events, weight class, and that it’s sanctioned by Strongman Corporation.
- Send Katie (katie@strongmancorporation) a link to the DRAFT of the event. HQ will give it a once-over to make sure it makes sense and aligns with SC policies AND make sure your background check is complete. When both those things are done we’ll email you back with the “go ahead” and post the competition on the Strongman Corporation website. Give HQ 7 days to respond to your email.
- Eventbrite allows you to save events as a draft and set a registration opening date in the future. Just send us a link to that.
- Iron Podium will give you the option to set your event’s URL and save it without publishing. That URL still gives us the ability to see the event, so you can send that over before it’s officially live.
- If you have any issues with sending a draft, shoot us an email and we’ll figure it out.
- GO LIVE! Hit “publish” on that bad boy and do the damn thing!
- Within 7 days of the competition, send any scores that are not on Iron Podium to the Director of Amateur Promotions ( A link to a Google Sheet or other live scoring is fine (as long as it’ll be available to view for at least 365 days from the comp date), or an Excel sheet or PDF.
- If you’d like your competition to be on the Strongman Corporation website, send a full write-up (comp name, date, location, number of athletes, highlights, sponsors, etc) and some photos (with credit) to the Director of Amateur Promotions (
Qualifications Earned
Qualifications Earned at Local Amateur Competitions
- 1 athlete in a class: the promoter may merge the class with another class; if the athlete competes alone they will earn an invite by completing (i.e. not “zeroing”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter.
- 2-4 athletes in a class: 1st place qualifies for Nationals
- 5-9 athletes in a class: 1st and 2nd place qualify for Nationals
- 10+ athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals
Standards and Requirements (Regionals)
Requirements for Promoting a Regionals Competition
- The promoter must have promoted competitions previously and successfully with Strongman Corporation, showing a track record of large (50+ athletes) and well-run events.
- Weight classes (for all divisions) must be in kilograms following Strongman Corporation standards; and the full complement of weight classes must be offered (including 57kg women and 120kg men).
- Women: 57kg (amateur only), 64kg, 73kg, 82kg, Open
- Men: 80kg, 90kg, 105kg, 120kg (amateur only), Open
- Novice and Masters classes may also be offered at the promoter’s discretion. There are no mandatory requirements for which or how many weight classes need to be offered in Novice or Masters.
- The event must be live streamed.
- The livestream provider is up to the promoter, as is the decision to charge or make it free.
- Strongman Corporation can assist in connecting the promoter with a provider if needed.
- Head-to-Head events are preferred but not mandatory.
- Weights must be approved by Strongman Corporation HQ and must be commensurate with weights used at Amateur Nationals.
- All event weights should be selected, reviewed, approved, and posted a minimum of 6 weeks before competition day (8+ weeks is better).
- Weights for Novice classes are up to the promoter’s discretion.
- Shirts should be provided to the athletes and worn for all the events (except events with tacky). Competition shirts must have the Strongman Corporation logo on them.
- There must be some kind of signage with the Strongman Corporation logo and the word “Regionals” somewhere on it.
- Strongman Corporation recommends a 12ft x 8ft banner if possible.
- A fast, decent quality, and reasonably-priced place to buy banners is If you need more resources let us know.
Strongman Corporation is committed to supporting our athletes and promoters, and doing our best to make sure each Regional event is successful and a positive experience. On a case-by-case basis, Strongman Corporation can help with sponsorships, licensing fee, equipment, and venue setup (e.g. video board and banners).
Step-By-Step Licensing (Regionals)
Note that only promoters with a proven track record of successful Strongman Corporation licensed competitions are eligible to promote at the Regional level.
Steps to license a Regional competition with Strongman Corporation:
- Read the details and requirements for hosting a Regional competition (above), and make sure it’s doable for you.
- Reach out to Strongman Corporation via email ( and let us know you’re interested in hosting a Regional competition. If you have events already in mind, share those in the email, along with any additional details like location, date, etc. Please wait for a response from Strongman Corporation before posting anything or moving forward with securing a date or location. We’ll respond within 7 business days to discuss the competition and next steps.
- Once your competition has been approved by Strongman Corporation, secure a date and location.
- Pick events for the competition and start selecting weights.
- All events and weights will need to be approved by Strongman Corporation.
- Purchase a license from the Strongman Corporation website (see below).
- This involves filling out a form that will ask for the competition date, location, and events. Make sure you have that info ready to go. You don’t need to have weights finalized yet.
- Optional: Purchase additional insurance.
- This is recommended particularly if your competition is not at your own facility. You’ll likely want to list the landlord of the event location on the insurance form as the “additional insured”. You might need to reach out to the location contact to confirm who should be listed on the insurance form.
- Put your event online in DRAFT mode.
- You can do this anywhere you’d like, including Iron Podium, Eventbrite, your own website, or another site of your choosing.
- Make sure the event page lists the date, time, location, events, weight class, and that it’s sanctioned by Strongman Corporation.
- Send Katie ( a link to the DRAFT of the event. She and James will give it a once-over to make sure it makes sense and aligns with SC policies AND make sure your background check is complete. When both those things are done we’ll email you back with the “go ahead” and post the competition on the Strongman Corporation website. Give HQ 7 days to respond to your email.
- Eventbrite allows you to save events as a draft and set a registration opening date in the future. Just send us a link to that.
- Iron Podium will give you the option to set your event’s URL and save it without publishing. That URL still gives us the ability to see the event, so you can send that over before it’s officially live.
- If you have any issues with sending a draft, shoot us an email and we’ll figure it out.
- GO LIVE! Hit “publish” on that bad boy and do the damn thing!
- All event weights should be selected, reviewed, approved, and posted a minimum of 7 weeks before competition day (10 weeks is better).
- Within 7 days of the competition, send any scores that are not on Iron Podium to the Director of Amateur Promotions ( A link to a Google Sheet or other live scoring is fine (as long as it’ll be available to view for at least 365 days from the comp date), or an Excel sheet or PDF.
- If you’d like your competition to be on the Strongman Corporation website, send a full write-up (comp name, date, location, number of athletes, highlights, sponsors, etc) and some photos (with credit) to the Director of Amateur Promotions (
Qualifications Earned
Qualifications Earned at Regional Competitions
- 1st place: Arnold Pro/Am and Amateur Nationals
- 2nd place: Amateur Nationals
- 3rd place: Amateur Nationals
- 4th place: Amateur Nationals (if there are 8-11 athletes in the class)
- 5th place: Amateur Nationals (if there are 12+ athletes in the class)
**If there is 1 athlete in a class, that athlete will qualify for the Arnold Pro/Am and Amateur Nationals as long as they complete (i.e. don’t “zero”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter.
Pro/Am Competition
Standards and Requirements (Pro/Am)
Requirements for Promoting a Pro/Am Competition
- The promoter must have promoted competitions previously and successfully with Strongman Corporation, demonstrating a track record of large (50+ athletes) and well-run events.
- Weight classes (for all divisions) must be in kilograms following Strongman Corporation standards.
- Women: 57kg (amateur only), 64kg, 73kg, 82kg, Open
- Men: 80kg, 90kg, 105kg, 120kg (amateur only), Open
- There must be a total of 2-4 Pro/Am classes, split equally between men and women.
- The preference is to pair “matching” classes (e.g. 64kg women and 80kg men).
- Including classes not designated as Pro/Am (i.e. standard amateur classes) is recommended but not required.
- Novice classes may also be offered at the promoter’s discretion. It’s recommended to cap the number of entries in these classes and/or not offer a full range of weight classes in Novice. The focus in a Pro/Am should be on the more experienced classes.
- The Pro/Am classes should be highlighted or featured in some way.
- How this is done specifically is up to the promoter (eg. highlighted platform, going last, walkout videos, etc.)
- The event must be live streamed.
- The livestream provider is up to the promoter, as is the decision to charge or make it free.
- Strongman Corporation can assist in connecting the promoter with a provider if needed.
- Prize money will be paid out in Pro/Am classes as follows:
- 1st Place: $1,500 (minimum)
- 2nd Place: $1,000 (minimum)
- 3rd Place: $500 (minimum)
- NOTE: In some cases, prize money can be adjusted if the promoter pays for accommodations or travel expenses for Pro athletes in an amount equivalent to the prize purse (i.e. a minimum of $3,000 per Pro/Am class).
- For Pro/Am classes, weights must be approved by Strongman Corporation HQ and must be commensurate with weights used for Arnold Pro, America’s Strongest Man and Woman, and other Strongman Corporation Pro shows.
- For Pro/Am classes, all event weights should be selected, reviewed, approved, and posted a minimum of 6 weeks before competition day (8+ weeks is better).
- Weights for Amateur and Novice classes are up to the promoter’s discretion.
- Athletes who hold current Pro cards cannot be charged a registration fee for the competition.
- Shirts should be provided to the athletes and worn for all the events (except events with tacky). Competition shirts must have the Strongman Corporation logo on them.
Strongman Corporation is committed to supporting our athletes and promoters, and doing our best to make sure each Pro/Am event is successful and a positive experience. On a case-by-case basis, Strongman Corporation can help with sponsorships, licensing fee, equipment, prize purse, and venue setup (e.g. video board and banners). Strongman Corporation will waive the licensing fee for any promoter who is paying out the full prize purse.
Step-By-Step Licensing (Pro/Am)
Note that only promoters with a proven track record of successful Strongman Corporation licensed competitions are eligible to promote at the Pro-Am level.
Steps to license a Pro-Am competition with Strongman Corporation:
- Read the full details and requirements for promoting a Pro-Am competition (above) and make sure they’re doable.
- Reach out to Strongman Corporation via email ( and let us know you’re interested in hosting a Pro-Am competition. If you have events already in mind, share those in the email, along with any additional details like location, date, etc. Please wait for a response from Strongman Corporation before posting anything or moving forward with securing a date or location. We’ll respond within 7 business days to discuss the competition and next steps.
- In addition to proposed events and locations, decide which classes will be Pro-Am and which will be Amateur/Novice. Remember Pro/Am classes need to be split equally between men and women, and Strongman Corp tries to offer at least 2 Pro/Am opportunities for each Pro weight class per year.
- Once your competition has been approved by Strongman Corporation, secure a date and location.
- Pick events for the competition and start selecting weights.
- For Pro-Am classes, weights must be approved by Strongman Corporation HQ and must be commensurate with weights used for Arnold Pro, America’s Strongest Man and Woman, and other Strongman Corporation Pro shows.
- Weights for Amateur classes are up to the promoter’s discretion.
- Purchase a license from the Strongman Corporation website (see below).
- This involves filling out a form that will ask for the competition date, location, and events. Make sure you have that info ready to go. You don’t need to have weights finalized yet.
- Optional: Purchase additional insurance.
- This is recommended particularly if your competition is not at your own facility. You’ll likely want to list the landlord of the event location on the insurance form as the “additional insured”. You might need to reach out to the location contact to confirm who should be listed on the insurance form.
- Put your event online in DRAFT mode.
- You can do this anywhere you’d like, including Iron Podium, Eventbrite, your own website, or another site of your choosing.
- Make sure the event page lists the date, time, location, events, weight class, and that it’s sanctioned by Strongman Corporation.
- Send Katie ( a link to the DRAFT of the event. She and James will give it a once-over to make sure it makes sense and aligns with SC policies AND make sure your background check is complete. When both those things are done we’ll email you back with the “go ahead” and post the competition on the Strongman Corporation website. Give HQ 7 days to respond to your email.
- Eventbrite allows you to save events as a draft and set a registration opening date in the future. Just send us a link to that.
- Iron Podium will give you the option to set your event’s URL and save it without publishing. That URL still gives us the ability to see the event, so you can send that over before it’s officially live.
- If you have any issues with sending a draft, shoot us an email and we’ll figure it out.
- GO LIVE! Hit “publish” on that bad boy and do the damn thing!
- For Pro-Am classes, all event weights should be selected, reviewed, approved, and posted a minimum of 6 weeks before competition day (8+ weeks is better).
- Within 7 days of the competition, send any scores that are not on Iron Podium to the Director of Amateur Promotions ( A link to a Google Sheet or other live scoring is fine (as long as it’ll be available to view for at least 365 days from the comp date), or an Excel sheet or PDF.
- If you’d like your competition to be on the Strongman Corporation website, send a full write-up (comp name, date, location, number of athletes, highlights, sponsors, etc) and some photos (with credit) to the Director of Amateur Promotions (
Qualifications Earned
Qualifications and Pro Cards Earned at Pro/Am Competitions
In Pro/Am classes, the following will be awarded:
- 1st Place: Pro Card (if not already Pro), invite to America’s Strongest
- 2nd Place: Pro Card (if highest placing amateur and not already Pro)
- 3rd Place: Pro Card (if highest placing amateur and not already Pro)
In Pro/Am classes, Arnold invites will be given to the top 3 amateurs regardless of placement.
Amateur Nationals invites are also available at Pro/Am competitions as follows:
- 1-8 athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)
- 8-11 athletes in a class: 1st-4th place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)
- 12+ athletes in a class: 1st-5th place qualify for Nationals (if Pro card not earned)
In non-Pro/Am classes, standard qualifications for Amateur Nationals applies:
- 1 athlete in a class: the promoter may merge the class with another class; if the athlete competes alone they will earn an invite by completing (i.e. not “zeroing”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter.
- 2-4 athletes in a class: 1st place qualifies for Nationals
- 5-9 athletes in a class: 1st and 2nd place qualify for Nationals
- 10+ athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals