“There is always something to be thankful for.”

The Strength of Giving took place at 882 Walker Rd. Dover DE 19904, in the heart of Delaware. This indoor/outdoor competition had a huge turnout, with 29 athletes attending in our first ever year hosting. We hope to make this an annual charity event to give back to our community that has given so much to us.

We are proud to announce that this year we collected over 700 canned food items. All of which were donated to Dover Interfaith homeless shelter and we were able to provide support in housing for this winter season.

A special thank you to Kristen Dotson and her husband, Quentin, for providing 470 of those canned food items.

This competition did not provide any record breakers however, it did provide a new outlook for our novice athletes. Jennifer Condron, a female novice athlete, spent months prior to the event training for the motorcycle deadlift. After feeling slightly defeated during training, Jen provided a whopping 13 reps! She achieved above and beyond her own expectations.

The log has become a staple in the strongman community. Luckily, we have a monsterous 220lb empty chrome log to give our athletes an additional push

towards greatness! The max weight hit this weekend was 260lbs by the following athletes; Kevin Beauchamp and Jeff Ocampo. We look to keep this competition challenging and fun for both our novice and open athletes.

A huge thank you to our sponsors!

Mongrel Garage Strength

Dentistry at Walker Square

Crossfit Dover 55 Plus Fit La Baguette

Coming Soon

November 21 2020 The Strength of Giving 2020