Strongman Corporation Scandinavia was the host to the 2018 Strongest woman in the World. As hosts, Kikki and Egil set out to make sure al athlete were taken care of with plenty of great Norwegian food, and accommodations. They provided top equipment that most athletes and promoters are not privileged to compete on or have. he event definitely was one of the best SWIW event’s since it’s birth three years ago.
On Day one, the ladies completed one event, the hercules Hold. For the hercules hold, Laura Sprague and Brittany Diamond, proved that women can hold the timbers as long as most men holding the timbers over 40 seconds. On Saturday the women were to compete in three other events, one being the yoke walk, the truck pull and stones. On the Yoke, Brooke Sousa was a stand out as she sprinted the course in under 10 seconds and taking the yoke for an additional 10 feet. On the Truck pull, Jessica Theaker being one if the Lightweight competitors proved that big things come in small packages as she was the only lightweight competitor to finish the course. On the stones, the standout athlete was Liefia Ingalls, showing everyone there why she is nicknamed the “Machine” while loading seven stones in a speedy time under 30 seconds. On Sunday the ladies had two events to complete the day, the Viking Press and the Power stairs. Several athletes proved pressing was one of the favorite events. Leslie Hoffeins completing 11 reps for the lightweight women, Liefia 14 reps for the Middle weight class and Jessica Fithen and Olga Liaschuck 14 reps for the Heavy weight class. After all was settled, Farrah Fonseca won the lightweight class, Liefia the middle weight class, and Brooke Sousa the heavyweight class. These women along with the second place finishers will join the field at the Arnold Sports Festival for the Arnold Pro Strongman event.

For the full results, please see our results page on our website.