You can find the most recently updated Strongman Corporation National Records and the standards for setting each one at the link below.

A Few Notes:

  • State Records are maintained by individual State Representatives. For questions about records in your state, please reach out to your Rep. You can find contact info for all the Reps on the “Our Team” page.
  • Maintaining records in strongman as a sport is an ongoing challenge for a number of reasons. The records listed in this document represent the ones that have been set to the best of our knowledge in Strongman Corporation licensed events. They do not reflect records set in other countries, federations, or unsanctioned events. They are also not necessarily updated immediately, so there may be records that exist that have not been added to the page yet. We do our best to keep up.
  • If you are a promoter interested in hosting a Record Breaker event, please reach out directly to Katie by email and CC your State Representative to discuss options. Katie can be reached at
  • Creating a better system for tracking and maintaining records both nationally and state-by-state is a project we have in our pipeline. It’s a massive undertaking. If this is a project you are interested in pursuing, please reach out to us. We’d love to get the community involved and do our best to create more clear and repeatable record-setting opportunities in the future.

Strongman Corporation National Records and Standards