Queen City’s Strongest 2019 is in the books! A sold out roster enjoyed/suffered through 5 grueling events in Concord, NC at Norse Fitness on 10/13, and the day was a blast from top to bottom.

The fun began when the Mystery Event was revealed in my favorite fashion – overly dramatic and ridiculous fashion! At the start of the rules meeting I revealed (with much flair LOL) a pile of enormous chains for a Chain Drag event. Competitors battled through a Max Axle Zercher lift, which saw some incredible lifts; an Alternating Press event featuring a Mouser Block and a log; a Farmers Walk for maximum distance which was pure torture with turns included; the aforementioned Chain Drag which may have been the most taxing event of the day; and the big finale was a Tug of War done tournament style.

Thank you to everyone that came out to help, compete, watch, etc.!

Looking forward to 2020

Happy training,

– Paul Mouser