PA Dutch Strong 9 is a wrap!

This marked the 9th year PA Dutch Strong was held. It has always been held in Lancaster, PA. This area has a rich history in “Pennsylvania Dutch” heritage and every year we try to incorporate that into the contest tee shirt.

There we 42 competitors this year. Carol Hasenbalg won the novice women’s division. Lauren Cox won the women’s open division. Anthony Brophy won the LW novice division in convincing fashion. Brad Miller won the HW novice division. Andrew Hanus won the men’s MW open division and Tom Evans won the men’s HW division.

A few highlights that come to mind are Monica Rimmel’s 335 personal best 18″ deadlift. Also Frank Oben on the 18″ deadlift with 835lbs, while weighing in at only 207lbs!

Next year will mark the 10th year for PA Dutch Strong. Look for an entry form to be posted soon! Thanks for all the continued support from both athletes, helpers, and our great hosts, the McMilian’s!