Kentucky’s strongest man and woman 2018 is in the books. With 50 athletes from across the state andsurrounding areas it was an impressive day by many. The Kentucky Muscle show is an excellent venue for strongman. So many strength athletes from all over in the same room showing off all their hard work is more than worth the price of admission. Bodybuilding, arm wrestling, MAS wrestling, CrossFit,Olympic lifting, powerlifting and strongman all under one roof!!!! It’s no surprise the crowd was thelargest around strongman. I’ve been around for over a decade and I know what people like to see, its STRONGMAN 100%!
The day began with log clean and press each rep. Some may call it the cardio of strongman to clean andpress each rep and they wouldn’t be lying if they did! It takes a lot more gas to clean and press each rep. The weights ranged from 100 lbs all the way to 280 lbs. Lots of great performances in this event.
The next event is the world’s most awkward event, the Duck walk. Nothing looks stranger than this event probably. Lots of super-fast times. Sometimes as a promoter you don’t always get the event weights just right. When that happens everyone either gets a zero or goes so fast it’s a stop watch gameand anyone can win. Next time this will be better and the weights will be much heavier.
The third event was supposed to be a card deadlift for reps. Unfortunately the cars didn’t make it to thevenue so we had to improvise. In strong you always need to be ready for a potential change. As a promoter I try very hard not to change anything but it happens. Based on the equipment at the venue we did a farmers handle deadlift for reps. When you change things on the fly you sometimes make
things too easy or too hard. LW novice men ended up with too easy and guys were hitting 20 to 30 reps. However the open class men (360 per hand) had a heavy farmers. In the end the strongest person prevailed.
The 4th event was the famers walk 100 ft with a turn at 50. There were no drops allowed in this event. Anyone with strongman experience will tell you that a turn makes a world of difference in this event. Manyathletesmadethedistancesoitprovedmostwerepreparedandreadytogo. Lotsoftimeswere in the 20 second range so there were some impressive speeds.
The final event was atlas stone for reps over a bar. After a long hard day many continued to put on ashow for the crowd. Several were able to get double digits on this event. That’s always good to see!Having started the show at 10 and going into stones before 2 it was a fast contest.

I want to thank Strongman Corporation for the opportunity to host shows and to share strongman with so many people. Thank you to the athletes that continue to register for my contests. Finally a big thank you to the all the people who help me run the contest. Without my judges, spotters and score keepers I would be lost. I would list them but there are so many that do so many things. It takes a lot to run show efficiently and make it fun for everyone. Hope to see you May 11th, 2019for Beast of the Bluegrass in Lexington, KY.
Davey McCann, Promoter