Strongman Corporation Athlete Info Overview

Updated December 31, 2024 and March 23, 2025.

All rules below are effective beginning January 1, 2025 (unless specifically stated otherwise).

This document covers the following topics:

  1. Eligibility and Age Requirements
  2. Membership Info
  3. Weight Classes
  4. Weigh-in Rules and Standards
  5. Pro Cards and Classes
  6. Qualification Standards and Dates
  7. How to Find Competitions
  8. Novice and Open Categories

If you’re looking for information about promoting or licensing a competition, check out the “Host A Show” page.

1. Eligibility and age Requirements

Athletes must be at least 12 years old to compete. Anyone under the age of 18 must have permission from a parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian must register the athlete and sign any applicable waivers for individual competitions. To compete in the “Teen” division, athletes must be 19 years old (or younger) on the day of competition.


Memberships are fully digital and can be purchased on the Strongman Corporation website:

Membership rates:

  • Adult 1-year membership: $87.50
  • Adult 3-year membership: $225 (Note that these will no longer be sold starting January 1, 2025. Current 3-year memberships will be honored through their expiration date.)
  • Teen 1-year membership: $52

Memberships are valid for a full year from the date of purchase. Beginning later in 2025, members will have the option of using auto-renew for a discounted renewal rate of $70 each year. If auto-renew is not selected, the standard annual rate will apply.

Strongman Corporation uses Member365 for managing, viewing, and selling memberships. This allows athletes to view, renew, and update their membership at any time online.

When weighing in for a competition, athletes will need to show proof of membership to the promoter – including an athlete number and membership expiration date. It’s recommended to save a screenshot of your card on your phone for easy access, or set up your online portal with Member365 prior to weigh-ins so you can show a digital version of your card.

It’s also recommended to purchase a membership at least 3 days prior to competition to allow time for processing, or in case something goes wrong or you need help.


Strongman Corporation membership automatically includes Spot injury insurance at no additional cost. This policy pays up to $10,000 of covered medical bills with a $3,500 deductible, and covers the athlete at any licensed Strongman Corporation event. For $35/year, members can upgrade to $25,000 in coverage with a $0 deductible. You can learn more on the Spot website, and upgrade through the Member365 portal.

Strongman Corporation does not recognize memberships from other sports, federations, or organizations. The only place to purchase a Strongman Corporation membership is on the official Strongman Corporation website.

3. Weight and Age Classes

Historically, Strongman Corporation weight classes are in pounds for Local and National events, and in kilograms for International events. (Both are listed below.) In 2025, Strongman Corporation will be transitioning weight classes from pounds to kilograms for ALL licensed competitions. This will provide clarity and consistency across all Strongman Corporation events and bring Strongman Corporation in line with national and international standards across strength sports globally.

NOTE: For all of 2025, promoters may choose to use the old classes that are in pounds or the new classes that are in kilograms (not both!). The registration form needs to reflect the classes being used for the competition and CANNOT be changed after it’s posted. This means that some competitions will have weight classes in pounds and some competitions will have weight classes in kilograms during the 2025 season. (Keep in mind there is NO weight “allowance” when using kilogram classes.) Nationals and any competition with international athletes (like the Arnold) will use kilogram classes in 2025. Starting in 2026, ALL Strongman Corporation competitions at every level will use the new kilogram classes with no “allowance” or “roundingduring weigh-ins.

For additional clarity, the kilograms are for weight classes only, not events/implements. The event weights can still be listed in pounds. The only thing in kilograms are the athletes’ bodyweight.

Amateur and Pro Women:

  • 125lbs or 57kg – amateur only
  • 140lbs or 64kg
  • 160lbs or 73kg
  • 180lbs or 82kg
  • Open (above 180lbs/82kg)

Amateur and Pro Men:

  • 175lbs or 80kg
  • 200lbs or 90kg
  • 231lbs or 105kg
  • 265lbs or 120kg – amateur only
  • Open (above 265lbs/120kg)

Masters 40+ and 50+ Women:

  • 140lbs or 64kg
  • 160lbs or 73kg
  • 180lbs or 82kg
  • Open (above 180lbs/82kg)

Masters 40+ and 50+ Men:

  • 175lbs or 80kg
  • 200lbs or 90kg
  • 231lbs or 105kg
  • Open (above 231lbs/105kg)

Note that there are no “subclasses” in Strongman Corporation. Promoters may elect to combine classes at Local competitions based on registration numbers and will inform athletes in a timely manner if that is the case. When classes are combined, the new class will use the body weight of the heavier class and (generally) the competition weights of the lighter class.

4. Weigh-in Rules and Standards

Weigh-ins can be conducted up to 24 hours prior to the competition start time. Exact time and location of weigh-ins is up to the promoter.

All athletes must weigh in with some kind of clothing. At minimum, all athletes must wear underwear that covers the genitals; and women must wear a sports bra or similar chest covering. Athletes can wear more clothing if they’d like.

If the competition classes are in pounds (e.g 140, 160, 180, etc), all weigh-ins should be conducted in pounds. At International competitions and any competition using kilograms at the time of athlete sign-up, weigh-ins will be conducted in kilograms.

  • For competitions hosted in pounds, there is a 0.4lbs allowance for rounding as well as a 0.4lbs allowance for clothing; this results in a total 0.8lbs allowance for each class. (Ex. a u175 man must weigh in at 175.8lbs or less)
  • For competitions hosted in kilograms, there is no “allowance” above the designated weight. Athletes must weigh in at exactly their weight class or below. (Ex. a u80kg man must weigh in at 80.0kg or less)

In the instance that weight classes are combined, athletes will need to weigh in under the weight of the heavier class.

Exact bodyweight does not need to be recorded for athletes in open/heavyweight classes, but all athletes do need to attend weigh-ins, and it is recommended that promoters indicate in some way that the athlete has checked in a shown proof of membership.

5. Pro Cards and Classes

Athletes may earn a Pro Card at Strongman Corporation Nationals, the Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championship, and at select Pro-Am competitions.

Pro Cards are awarded as follows:

  • Amateur Nationals: Pro Cards are awarded to the top 3 athletes in 80kg Men, 90kg Men, and 72kg women; and 1st place athlete in every other pro-eligible class
  • Arnold Championships: Pro Cards are awarded to any athlete on the podium who does not already have a Pro Card
  • Pro-Am Competitions: a Pro Card is awarded to the highest placing Amateur athlete on the podium in a predetermined Pro-Am class
  • America’s Strongest Man and Woman: Pro Cards are awarded to Amateur athletes who place in the top 3 in their respective classes

Becoming a Pro gives the athlete the opportunity to compete at invitation-only events throughout the year, including America’s Strongest Man and America’s Strongest Woman. Qualification and invitation standards vary for each Pro event.

Athletes that have earned a Pro Card may no longer compete in that class at the Amateur level. Pro athletes may compete in Amateur competitions if they compete a level up (eg. an 90kg Pro man may compete as an Amateur in the 105kg class or above).

Pro Cards from other federations are not recognized by Strongman Corporation.

A record of current Strongman Corporation Pro athletes is under construction and will be available later in 2025.

6. Qualification Standards and Dates

A full list of athletes qualified for higher level competitions can be found on the Strongman Corporation website under “Qualified Athletes. Note that adding athletes to this list is a manual process, so it doesn’t happen instantly.

Local and Regional Competitions

Open to all athletes, no qualification is required.

Amateur National Championship

Athletes must compete at a Local, Regional, or Pro-Am competition to qualify for Nationals. Athletes may compete up or down *one* weight class from their qualifying class. (For example, if an athlete qualifies in the 82kg class they may compete in 73kg, 82kg, or Open.)

Qualifying Dates for Amateur Nationals

Competitions 4-8 weeks before Nationals can qualify for the upcoming Nationals or Nationals the following year, but not both. This is at the athlete’s discretion. Competitions less than 4 weeks before Nationals qualify for Nationals the following year. All other competitions qualify for the upcoming Nationals.

Qualifying Athletes for Amateur Nationals

At a Local competition, the number of qualifying athletes depends on the number of athletes competing ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION and follows these standards:

  • 1 athlete in a class: the promoter may merge the class with another class; if the athlete competes alone they will earn an invite by completing (i.e. not “zeroing”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter. Promoters should not lower weights or modify events specifically to allow the solo athlete to qualify for Nationals.
  • 2-4 athletes in a class: 1st place qualifies for Nationals
  • 5-9 athletes in a class: 1st and 2nd place qualify for Nationals
  • 10+ athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals

At a Regional competition, the number of qualifying athletes depends on the number of athletes competing ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION and follows these standards:

  • 1 athlete in a class: the promoter may merge the class with another class; if the athlete competes alone they will earn an invite by completing (i.e. not “zeroing”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter.
  • 2-8 athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals
  • 8-11 athletes in a class: 1st-4th place qualify for Nationals
  • 12+ athletes in a class: 1st-5th place qualify for Nationals

At a Pro-Am competition, qualifications vary by class (Pro-Am qualifies separately from Amateur) and based on the number of athletes ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Qualifications follow these standards:

All Amateur classes qualify following the same standards as a normal Local Amateur competition (see above)

In the Pro-Am Classes:

  • 1-8 athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals
  • 8-11 athletes in a class: 1st-4th place qualify for Nationals
  • 12+ athletes in a class: 1st-5th place qualify for Nationals

Teens and Masters at Nationals

Teen and Masters competitors need to qualify following the above standards, but can compete in any Nationals weight class they are eligible for (i.e. they do not need to qualify in that class).

America’s Strongest Master

Masters are athletes aged 40+ or 50+ at the time of competition. All Local competitions are encouraged to hold Masters classes, but not all are able to, so Masters often compete in Novice or Open categories.

Masters athletes qualify for America’s Strongest Master by placing in the top 5 at a Local Amateur competition in any Open class or by placing top 3 in a designated Masters class.

America’s Strongest Teen

America’s Strongest Teen has separate divisions for age, weight, and gender. Age classes are 12-14yr, 15-17yr, and 18-19yr. Weight and gender classes are the same as Open divisions. Weight classes may be combined based on turnout, but age and gender divisions always remain the same.

AST is open to all athletes who competed during the year in an Open, Teen, or Novice competition; and are age 19 or younger at the time of America’s Strongest Teen (not only at the time of the qualifying competition).

To increase accessibility to AST, athletes may also qualify online. Online qualification standards are posted annually and generally include three lifts that athletes can perform at most “regular” gyms: barbell clean and press for reps (any style), max deadlift, and front hold. For the most up to date information on AST qualifications, follow @americasstrongestteen on Instagram.

Athletes who competed at a local competition in a class that was not explicitly defined as “Teen” may not have been captured in Strongman Corporation’s system and added to the list of qualified athletes. If you or your teen fall into that category, you can contact Strongman Corporation directly to confirm eligibility by emailing

Pro-Am Competitions

Pro-Am competitions have classes for Pro-Am, Amateur, and sometimes Novice athletes.

The Amateur and Novice classes at these competitions are open to any athlete like any other competition. Some classes will be designated as Pro-Am, meaning it’s open to both Amateur and Pro athletes. There are no qualification standards to compete in this class, but weights and events will reflect the Pro level of the sport.

Podium placement at a Pro-Am competition may qualify Amateur athletes to receive a Pro card and/or qualify for Nationals and the Arnold Amateur competition. These qualifications vary by event and based on the number of athletes on competition day. Please refer to the rules for the specific competition or ask the event promoter for details.

Arnold Pro/Am & Lightweight/MIddleweight World Championships

Athletes may qualify for the Arnold at Strongman Corporation Nationals, Regionals, Pro-Ams, and other select events. At each event, the number of qualifying athletes varies based on the number of competitors on competition day as well as from event-to-event.

Current Pros can compete at the Arnold in their Pro class or a class up or down from their Pro card without doing a qualifying competition. For example, a female 73kg Pro athlete may compete at the Arnold in the 64kg, 73kg, or 82kg class without doing a qualifying competition.

At Nationals, the top 3 plus 10% of remaining athletes (rounding up) in each weight class receive bids to the Arnold.

At Regionals, the 1st place athlete in each class qualifies for the Arnold.

At Pro-Am competitions in Pro-Am classes, the top 3 Amateur athletes qualify for the Arnold. (There are no Arnold qualifications awarded in non-Pro-Am classes.)

Qualifications at other select events vary. Please see the qualification guidelines for the specific event and talk to the promoter for details.

America’s Strongest Man and Woman

America’s Strongest Man and Woman are invite-based competitions. These are open to current Strongman Corporation Pro athletes as well as select athletes that have qualified through other means.

Amateur Athletes can qualify for ASM/ASW at select Pro/Am competitions and other high-level events throughout the year. Standards vary by year and by weight class. The most up-to-date information for each round of America’s Strongest is on its respective page on the Strength.Events website.

For details and questions about your personal eligibility, reach out to Strongman Corporation at

7. How to find competitions

The best place to find Strongman Corporation licensed competitions is through the Strongman Corporation website (

Note that not all competitions you find outside of the Strongman Corporation website are licensed by Strongman Corporation. These events may require additional fees or memberships. Your Strongman Corporation membership is valid for any event publicly and officially licensed by Strongman Corporation.

8. Novice or open?

“Should I enter Novice or Open?” is one of the most frequently asked questions for promoters and coaches. Strongman Corporation acknowledges that there is nuance in this answer and that the final answer is “it depends.”

An athlete’s first stop for guidance should always be their coach. The second stop is to reach out to the promoter. The promoter will have the best guidance based on their competition, the selected weights and events, and how the weight classes are shaping up based on registrations. If the coach, athlete, and promoter struggle to come to an agreement, they should reach out to their local State Representative for guidance.

In terms of general guidance, Strongman Corporation’s official stance is the following:

The Novice class is intended for athletes early in their strongman competition journey or for whom Open class standards are legitimately unattainable at the time of the competition.

The Novice class is open to all first-time competitors in Strongman Corporation, regardless of prior experience in other sports or strength disciplines.

No athlete is “required” to sign up as a Novice. Any first-time strongman competitor may elect to compete in Open.

Generally speaking, athletes are encouraged to move to the Open class if they have previously competed as a Novice and placed in the top 3 in a division of 8 or more, top 2 in a division of 5-7, or won a division of 3-4 athletes.

Strongman Corporation encourages all athletes to push themselves to reach personal bests and compete in a division that will challenge them rather than a division that allows them to cruise through or beat up on other athletes. 

Strongman Corporation trusts individual licensed promoters to make the final and official decision on athletes competing in Novice for their specific competitions.