It’s hard to get away from the keto craze! From magazines and television to social media and grocery stores, it seems as though the ketogenic diet is being mentioned everywhere. It’s hard not to be intrigued by a lifestyle that boasts high fat foods as the norm, even with the elimination of most carbohydrate laden foods. It’s important to be informed about this major lifestyle change if you plan on embarking on your own keto journey. Here are six tips for you to take into consideration so you can make an informed decision! For more details on fitness goals, be sure to check out this…
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You will need to figure out your macros
Macros is short for macronutrients. This is the exact amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat that you’ll need to lose weight. It’s different for every person because it’s based on your age, activity level, weight, and height. You can easily find this information by using a macronutrient calculator online!
Measure your ketones for accuracy
How do you know if you’re actually in ketosis? You will have to measure your ketones. You can do this with a blood sugar monitor, or with urine testing strips. It’s important to do this, especially in the beginning when you’re still figuring out the ketogenic lifestyle.
Stay hydrated
Sure, we all know that hydration is important, but even more so when you’re starting the keto diet. Your body function is changing, so you will need more water than usual. It’s smart to supplement your water with electrolytes to help yourself retain water and prevent that dehydration from happening.
Be aware of the side effects
Have you heard of the keto flu? This is the period of time where your body is adjusting to the ketogenic lifestyle. Some of the side effects are pretty unpleasant and include flu like symptoms, constipation, cramps, brain fog, headaches, increased urination, dehydration, and lethargy.
Be mindful of your fat intake
We’ve mentioned paying attention to your macronutrients, but it’s especially important to consider the quality of fat that you’re eating. Saturated fat is thought to increase the risk of getting heart disease later in life, so you will want to limit this type of fat when you’re figuring out your new diet.
Talk to your doctor
As with any lifestyle change, consulting your doctor is a must. It’s important to know how the diet could affect you. Plus, you’re going to want to get regular cholesterol checks when you start this diet, as well as before so you can get a good point of comparison.